Dear Bulimia
I’m breaking up with you again. It’s me, not you. Actually, on second thought, it’s you. You came into my life and invaded it again. You lured me with promises that I would feel better, satisfy my cravings, de-stress and love life more.
Although initially it felt good, I can see the old pattern begin. The one where I don’t want to hang out with anyone but myself and you. The one where my patience slowly, little by little, fades. But worst of all is the idea that I will fall away from God again. If the choice is between you and God, I choose God always.
You may say, I don’t have to choose, that I can have both, but I’ve learned that’s a lie. God is a jealous God and won't allow any other idols in my life, so I need to choose. I need to be at my best, on my “A” game, so that God can use me to help his cause. To spread the word that God is good and that He and He alone can save us from our sins.
Oh, that’s right Bulimia, you are a sin. Yup, you tempt me and vie for my attention. You want me all to yourself and then once you have me, you throw me away like trash. But, I am not trash. I am loved, treasured, and a beloved princess. My destiny is eternal life with God, my father. I’m going to live the “happily ever after” ending that you could never offer me. In fact, when I think about it, the cons of continuing to befriend you are a mile long.
So sorry, but not sorry, you must go!
Yours truly,